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Discover the Path to Your First 100 Happy Customers

Focus on Growth and Customer Satisfaction

Easy Integration

Real-time Feedback

Feedback Analysis

Why Happy100s?

"Build a thing that has really deep appeal. Even if it’s to just a tiny fraction of people—if you can make that small fraction of people obsessively love what you’re building, it’s easier to just grow that group. It’s easier to start with deep, narrow appeal and broaden it over time than it is to start with broad ‘meh’ and convert ‘meh’ to loving your thing en masse."


Paul Buchheit

Creator of Gmail


How Happy100s Can Help You

Happy100s isn't just a tool; it's the bridge to your customers' hearts. By seamlessly gathering critical feedback, Happy100s empowers you to pivot, adapt, and evolve your product or service based on real user input.

Easy to Use

It is designed to be easy to use and integrate into your website, so you can start collecting feedback from your customers in minutes.

Feedback Analysis

It provides real-time feedback from your customers, so you can quickly identify issues and make improvements to your product.

Actionable Insights

It provides actionable insights into your customer feedback, so you can make data-driven decisions and improve your product to meet your customers' needs.

Feedback Categorisation 

It offeres unlimited feedback categorisation, so you can set priorities and update your product to what your customers actually want.

Our Solution

Happy100s is the ultimate Saas tool to help you discover the path to your first 100 happy customers. It provides an easy copy-paste code for feedback forms that founders can integrate into their website and manage the feedback from a backend panel. Here are some of the features:

Easy to Use

Customizable Feedback Forms

Real-time Feedback notification


Happy100s has only one paid plan. I am a solo female Indie and to support what I do, I am not offering any free plans.

  • Premium

    Every month
    Happy100s one and only plan
    Valid for 12 months
    • Easy widget integration
    • Real-time feedback email notification
    • Ultimate feedback categorisation
    • Feedback analytics dashboard
    • Feedback form customisation
    • Anonymous feedback feature
    • Email support

Ready to discover the path to your first 100 happy customers? Sign up for Happy100s today and start collecting feedback from your customers in minutes.

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